Beverly Parker (Bailey)

Career, Education, Military Experience:
Teacher of Honor's English, Spanish, and World Languages and Cultures- 28 years; Bachelor's Degree in English and Spanish, BYU; Master's Degree in Linguistics, U of U.

Favorite Memories of Weber High:
Being President of the FHA and the state convention at Hotel Utah; being in the Pep Club.

Have you traveled? where? why?:
I did a study abroad in Spain with BYU. I also did a teacher exchange program in Japan on a Fulbright Fellowship. I have taken students and parents on tours to Europe six times, as well as China and Costa Rica. I have also traveled all over the U.S. with family.

I love to spend time with my family of six children, and soon-to-be twenty grandchildren. I love to garden, read, and scrapbook, and obviously travel.

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